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Contra group

Since 1988 ConTra group has built a world-class reputation in the shipping industry and logistics by consistently delivering outstanding services of the highest quality.

In cosa ha contribuito Contra group

Sicurezza alimentare
Sostegno economico

L'impatto di Contra group


volte il

Superficie riforestata

2250 mq

Campo da tennis

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CO2 assorbita


kg di CO2

Che equivale a:


giri del mondo in macchina

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Progetti attivi


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Anno di inizio


“Small acts change the world.”

Il nostro progetto

The Contra group aims to expand corporate social responsibility projects by operating responsibly and sustainably through concrete actions to support territories and communities. A renewed, and not new, principle of corporate ethics that sees sustainability at the center of its objectives and which focuses on three fundamental aspects: - Invest in solutions aimed at reducing consumption and waste. - Communicate and spread awareness about the impact of one's actions. - Act concretely to generate a positive impact on the planet. Key objectives for a dignified future, for the environment and people.

Titolo iniziative

Focusing on sustainability is a fundamental step for our planet and trying to combine the Green economy with business development is a central challenge in the Contra group's mission. One of the company's objectives is to expand corporate social responsibility projects by operating in a responsible and sustainable way and promoting ethical practices through concrete actions to support territories and communities. That’s why Contra group, in collaboration with zeroCO2, has decided to do its part by focusing on a project that has had a central point in the reforestation in Guatemala, where agriculture is one of the main sources of income and the Deforestation rate is one of the highest rates in America, becoming a social problem as well as an environmental one. Bringing reforestation to Guatemala means regenerating local biodiversity, absorbing CO2 and guaranteeing farmers work on their land. It means investing in a long-term project that focuses on sustainability, the territory and the people who live there.

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